Laravel React Sync


Laravel React Sync is a comprehensive framework fusing React and Laravel into an …


Install using Composer:

composer require g3n1us/laravel-react-sync

UI Preset

Next run the UI preset installer to create your frontend scaffolding. The installer is interactive, and will ask you a few questions to better suit your specific needs.

php artisan ui react-sync --auth

Publish Configuration Files

You will want to publish the configuration files by running the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-react-sync"

The library uses g3n1us/model-api as well, so if you would like to further configure this library, you may publish it’s configuration as well

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="G3n1us\ModelApi\ServiceProvider"

You are now set up and ready to go!

Next, create models and routes.